Jersey Story...

So I have the most hilarious story to tell you... Yesterday Jersey and I pulled up to the mailbox on our way home like we do everyday, well I closed the door behind me as I got out and Jersey decided that he needed to lock the car doors. I was stunned. I had nothing with me, everything was locked in the car with Jersey. Luckily for Jersey the car was still running with the AC on and at one point when I peeked in the car he was napping on the driver side of the car. Yeah he has a rough life. He could have cared less about what was going on.

I had to ask a neighbor girl if I could use her cell phone to call Wes. Wes just giggled, he had to run to Parental Goulds to get my spare key. So I worked on some sun rays for about 45 minutes until Wes got there to save the day. Of course, while I was sitting there every neighbor had to walk by. I was so embarrassed. 

It's a good thing he is so cute...